Happy Bum Co

Gut Greens


Dark greens are packed with essential nutrients that play a vital role in overall health by supporting your body's pH balance. Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as folate, iron, magnesium, calcium, and fibre, these natural 'super-foods' support overall wellbeing and vitality. Happy Bum Gut Greens Powder is made from alkalising ingredients, digestive enzymes and prebiotic fibres.

All Natural Dark Greens PowderNo Artificial Colours or FlavoursSuperfood & Prebiotic FibresOrganic Spirulina & Aloe VeraDigestive EnzymesDrink or Enema Blend

- Easy to add into your wellness routine
- Dark greens support acid/alkaline balance in the body
- Mild earthy flavour
- Increase nutrient absorption
- Energy production
- Support heavy metal removal
- Natural and organic ingredients
- Promote overall well-being and gut health

Add to water, smoothie or your favourite recipes. Enema blend or bulb for internal use.

Gut Greens includes ingredients to help boost your superfood nutrition and supercharge your body. Alkaline ingredients assist with the body's ph balance, increase nutrient absorption and heavy metal removal.

Organic Spirulina
Organic Aloe Vera
Digestive Enzymes
Moringa Leaf Extract.
Organic Inulin


Natural Ingredients

Organic | Vegan | Gluten Free | Non-Toxic

Gut Health Specialists

Over 15 years experience in gut health and detoxification.

Premium Quality

Our products are the highest of quality for long lasting performance and an elevated home detox experience.

Community Support

Become a part of our global wellness community. Healing can be lonely, but now it doesn't have to be