Here are the most common questions and answers about enemas. If you have already purchased from us, you now have access to our Private Facebook Community where other users share their stories and can help answer your questions.

Common Questions

Common questions about enemas

Enemas are a safe and natural way to detoxify the body and provide effective relief from many of today’s health conditions.

An enema is a type of colon cleanse using liquid infused into the colon
via your rectum. The liquid stimulates a release and evaluation from the colon. Enema’s can be an amazing tool for detoxing and may
have many different benefits. They are gravity fed, very low pressure and are very safe when used as directed.

Short answer, yes some good gut bacteria will be removed, but not any higher than when you do your own bowel movement.

Enemas do not kill good bacteria. Antibiotics do.

Chances are if you have gut issues, you are already struggling in the good bacteria department. A healthy gut microbiome is filled with friendly bacteria, when we cleanse with enemas we do remove both good and bad (your body doesn’t discriminate) but with a healthy diet in a clean environment your good bacteria will repopulate naturally and flourish better than if they were in the previous toxic environment.

This being said, for best results and if you are doing enemas more than once a week, we highly recommend replenishing your good bacteria in your colon using the Happy Bum Biotic. This will ensure the good bacteria colonises before any bad bacteria and should help improve
your gut health even further.

Enemas are a very individual practice. Each person has different needs and it's important to understand your goals. Many integrative protocols recommend daily coffee enemas for a period of 30-60 days for chronic illness to help detoxify the body, ridding mold, candida, parasites and aiding liver function. This may not be suitable for everyone.

If you suffer from chronic constipation and are not having regular bowel movements yourself, an enema can be a helpful tool to manually release your bowels and get relief at home. Enemas are also great for travel, providing relief anytime you need it.

If you are doing a general cleanse, just starting out or in maintence, many users practice coffee enemas 1-2 times per week to stay on top of their toxic load. Similar to going to the gym, the abs of your dreams do not appear overnight.

Detoxification and the benefits of coffee enemas take consistency. You can download our 30 enema challenge for a general detox guide.

Do what feels right for your body and if in doubt reach out to a holistic professional who can guide you further!

Enemas should not make your bowel lazy and there is no research to support otherwise. Enemas are actually very stimulating for peristalsis, your colon muscles which move waste through your large intestine. This can have a toning and strengthening affect on an otherwise lazy and under-active bowel.

Think of an enema like taking your colon to the gym! Many people report improvements to their natural movements after doing enemas.

Enemas will also help to remove compaction in the colon which can impact gut motility and improve transit time.

Laxatives on the other-hand do create bowel laziness and dependency which is why they are not a good long or short term solution. They rely on a chemical reaction and essentially irritate the colon into eliminating. They are dehydrating and unnatural, unlike enemas.

Enemas have been a natural form of constipation relief for centuries. During pregnancy, water enemas are generally suitable for assist with natural constipation relief. They are also commonly used prior birth as they can help relieve pressure and clear the way. With any pregnancy, it is best to consult with your midwife or doctor.

Coffee enemas are not recommended during this time as they are too strong of a detox and not enough research is available to determine their effects.

The Founder of Happy Bum Co is a mother of three and did water enemas daily throughout all three pregnancies conception to birth and beyond. Her midwives were supportive and it was the only way she got constipation relief. You can read her story here!

Men and women are both suitable candidates for enemas. Gut Health does not have a gender! Enemas are no longer taboo and we believe play an essential role in detoxification, gut health and overall wellness. Everyone deserves to feel great inside and out.

Other Questions

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They are safe and designed for self-use at home. As long as enemas are used as directed they are very safe to use at home yourself. We have plenty of videos and an instruction manual if you are unsure!

Although not everyone experiences detox symptoms, it can be quite common if your toxic load and inflammation is high. It's important to understand that this is a part of the process and a sign your body needs to continue detoxing.

Things to look out for are skin irritations, fatigue, headaches, sugar cravings, bloating and gut disruptions.

Although sometimes unpleasant during the climb, the view from the top is always better. Remember why you started.

Here is an article to read more on the 5 Most Common Detox Symptoms.

Enemas are not generally painful...but chronic gut issues are! If you are quite compacted you may find it is uncomfortable while the solution is coming in however, the relief on the toilet after is well worth it!

Most people find after several uses they become accustomed to the sensation and it becomes a welcomed part of their wellness routine. Overall - it just feels a little funky.

Whilst Western Medicine has many talents, chronic disease management and healing is not one of them. Many people find themselves trying enemas after being left with no other choice but to search for alternative relief.

Enemas have been around for centuries and so has the practice of detoxification, but most modern doctors don't recommend either because they are not a part of their scope or medical training. Medicine is largely based around pharmaceuticals and the prescription of medicine and enemas are a natural wellness tool.

Therefore, even if your doctor does not recommend enemas, it is still very worthwhile to seek the opinion of a naturopath, integrative doctor or holistic health practitioner who is familiar to see if this might be right for you.

The great thing about doing enemas at home is that you have the freedom to do them at
any time of the day! We suggest trying a few different times to find what you feel works best for you. Some of our community do them in the morning, others prefer evening or before bed. There is no right or wrong time. Just take the time to find what works best for you! Most people find coffee enemas provide relaxation and improve their sleep.

Drinking coffee and coffee enemas have a very different affect on the body. As a coffee enema bypasses the digestive process, most people who are caffeine sensitive find that enemas are relaxing as they activate the parasympathetic nervous system or "rest and digest".

In saying this, you can test this for yourself or choose to start with half the amount of coffee.

You will also find that the energy sustained from a coffee enema is very different than drinking caffeine. No crashes, no 3pm slump, just a body that has more energy for your day!

Coffee enemas are generally safe for breastfeeding mothers as there is no research suggesting the toxins cross into the breastmilk. Instead, they are eliminated via the liver bile and colon into the toilet after each enema.

Caffeine may be disruptive to a newborns very new digestive system. We generally recommend waiting at least 5 weeks post birth to test introducing coffee enemas. Water enemas can be performed as soon as your are ready or your midwife advises it is safe.

Most coffee contains pesticides, mold and other toxins. It is absolutely essential that you use organic coffee, and Happy Bum Beans are 100% Organic, Mold Free and tested for toxins. It is also has the highest content of cafffeine and palmitic acid which stimulate the glutathione production. Gentle on the gut, this is the right blend for coffee enemas.

You cannot use decaf coffee or instant coffee.

Whether you decide to leave the tip in or out during your coffee enema hold is up to you. We asked our community and most people responded they preferred to take it out, but again do what feels right for you.

Yes, many users add cool filtered water to their boiled coffee solution after the coffee has steeped for 10 minutes. You could also add ice, put it in the fridge or prepare the night before and add boiling water to heat it back up to body temperature.