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Want to Learn How to Use Your Happy Bum Bag & Bulb?

You're in the right place. Watch our how-to videos on how to do an enema and bulb.



Learn How To Set Up Your Happy Bum Bag & Get Flowing

How To Use the Happy Bum Bulb

Post Enema Replenish to "Retain Not Release"

Our Two-Step Detox Approach

Start with a colon cleanse and liver detox, finish by replacing good bacteria or whatever blend you choose in a bulb post detox.

Coffee Enema

For maximum benefits, Get flowing with your coffee enemas at least 2-3x a week! Hold for 12-15 minutes. Release on Toilet.

Bulb of Choice

Bulb post Enema to replenish and revitalise your body, lower inflammation, support stress levels, hormones and your gut microbiome! Retain not release.

  • Coffee Enema
  • Bulb of Choice

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Happy Bum Beans using the Plunger for a Coffee Enema

Our coffee is specifically designed for enema use. It is mould free, myotoxin tested and 100% organic medium roast which is gentle on the gut. It has a high palmitic acid content which is essential for best results.

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Prepare Happy Bum Soothe as an Enema or Bulb for natural anti inflammatory relief.

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Replenish Good Bacteria Straight Back To The Source. This Probiotic Recolonises In The Colon. Powerful For Improving Gut Health and Replacing Good Bacteria If You Are Detoxing Regularly.


Learn More

When is the best time of day to do an enema?

Anytime you feel ready. You can do coffee enemas both day and night, although we do recommend to do your first one during the day as you may experience an energy boost. After that most people find they are just very relaxed after evening enemas.

On an empty stomach can be helpful.

Are they safe?

Yes enemas are very safe. Please follow the instruction manuals and our guidance which should make it very easy. All of our kits are TGA & FDA approved medical devices and non toxic.

Can you do an enema while pregnant?

You will need to ask your care providers but generally water enemas are safe to relieve pregnancy constipation.

Will it be messy?

No, enemas are generally not messy. Just make sure you use the clamp on the hose so the solution doesn't come out and be close to a toilet.

How Often can i do an enema?

This totally depends on your personal goals and what you need them for. If you are not going to the toilet, you may want to do enemas daily for a bowel movement. If you are doing a deep liver cleanse or healing fom chronic disease you may want to do coffee enemas and bulbs daily for a period of time. If you are just generally trying to improve your gut health or other concerns, you can do them as often as you like.

What if i cant hold the solution?

If you cant hold the coffee solution at first, that is very normal. Work up to it. The more toxic and inflamed you are, the harder it is to hold. This will improve as you do more and more detoxing with enemas.

What other products support the enemas?

Gut Scrub, Happy Bum Mag & Happy Bum Gut Greens. Mag softens the stool for extra colon cleansing support, Gut Scrub is a binder and helps to eliminate gas and parasites and Gut Greens helps to alkalise and improve digestion.

Do I need to replace electrolytes?

Replacing electrolytes after an enema or any form of detoxing is a great idea.

One enema does not remove dangerous amounts of electrolytes however, improving your hydration and key electrolytes can improve gut health, minimise detox symptoms and increase overall vitality. We recommend Happy Bum Hydrate after your coffee enemas!

What if I dont have a bowel movement for a few days after?

This shows your true transit time is much slower than you thought. Time for more colon cleansing, water intake, reducing stress and increased fibre to help things move! More enemas can help things move along.

Why do i feel bloated after an enema?

It can be common to feel bloating after an enema for a few reasons. You are dehydrated and your body has absorbed the liquid instead of releasing it. Make sure you are drinking 2.5-3 litres of water a day while you are detoxing. Another reason can be if you are quite constipated or compacted, an enema may move the stool around but wont clear your entire colon in one go. The rest of the material left behind that is now softened, may make you feel bloated. In this instance, you are welcome to do another enema back to back to try to clear more!

Can i do two enemas back to back?

Yes, you can do whatever you feel your body needs. Often if you are quite compacted, it. can take several enemas to get things moving. If you couldn't hold the coffee and want to try again, that is also fine.

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