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Why Are You Getting Detox Symptoms?

It’s common to encounter some side effects while detoxing, and you may notice symptoms intensifying before they improve. 

Coffee enemas offer a highly effective method to kickstart your body’s detoxification, though the experience isn’t always simple. It’s common to encounter some symptoms while detoxing, and you may notice symptoms intensifying before they improve. This is called "the healing crisis."

Feeling nauseous? Headaches? Fatigue? Yes, they’re all part of the journey to better health. In fact, it’s a good sign you’re on the road to recovery. 

The more toxins your body has stored, the more side effects you might have.

But rest assured, these symptoms are a positive indication that detoxification is underway! Your body is working hard to purge impurities, toxins, parasites, and imbalances, healing itself from the inside out.

The process can take time but as your toxic load decreases, so will your symptoms so hang in there! 

What are some common detox symptoms?

Bloating & bowel disruption

Diarrhea? Constipation? Gas? Bloating? Don’t worry, your body is simply adjusting! Detoxing has a direct impact on the digestive system and the organs responsible for flushing out toxins. As your body strives to reach a balanced state, and as pathogens like parasites and candida "die off," you may notice increased gas, bloating, and changes in your bowel movements. It's all part of your body’s natural process of eliminating waste.

Skin irritation or breakouts 

Your skin is the body’s largest organ, and during a detox, it plays a significant role in the elimination process. As toxins are released from your gut, organs, and bloodstream, they often surface through your skin, leading to irritation such as hives, breakouts, or rashes. While it might be uncomfortable, it’s a sign your body is purging impurities.

Fatigue & headaches

Detoxing puts extra load on your body, particularly on your gut and organs, as they work to process and expel toxins. This can leave you feeling more drained than usual, so don’t hesitate to slow down and rest. Your body needs the extra energy for all the internal cleansing, so it’s a good excuse to take that nap! 

Mood swings

Feeling irritable? Short-tempered? Maybe even like you're on an emotional rollercoaster? It’s not just in your head! Your gut is working hard, and detoxing can stir up emotions as well as toxins. As your body clears out waste, it’s common to feel emotions like sadness, anger, impatience, or anxiety rising to the surface. Take a deep breath and know that these feelings will pass as your body restores balance.


Detoxing means saying goodbye to bacteria and parasites that have previously taken control and stirred up your cravings. As your body eliminates foods you have grown to depend on i.e (sugar, alcohol, processed foods) your body may crave them more during your detox . Stay strong and avoid the urge! 

Remember, it sometimes must get worse before it can get better, but the result makes it worth it so hang in there! 

Detox symptoms are a sign you need to detox!   

What can I do to minimise my symptoms?    

Having a post-enema routine is important when detoxing to help support your body. Make you you are staying hydrated, taking a good probiotic and eating well, avoiding alcohol and processed foods where possible.  

We've created an Aftercare Bundle to help minimise detox symptoms and support your coffee enema journey.  

Your enema kits will be your ultimate detox companion. Explore our bundles, designed to provide everything you need to kickstart your healing journey! Most importantly, stay committed as the more toxins you flush out, the fewer symptoms you’ll experience over time.

It does get easier, we promise! Don’t forget to replenish with probiotics and electrolytes and keep yourself well-hydrated to help your body eliminate toxins efficiently.


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