Parasites in the body are far more common than most people realise and can lead to a wide range of health issues. If left untreated, these problems can worsen and escalate into more serious conditions over time. A parasite is a living organism that survives by feeding off another living being—in this case, a human. It does this either by directly consuming nutrients from the host’s body or by depleting the food meant for the host, depriving them of essential nourishment.
Parasitic infections are often contracted through contaminated food, unsafe drinking water, or imbalances in gut bacteria, making them a risk for anyone. Unfortunately, many people are unaware they're infected, as symptoms can often go unnoticed or be mistaken for other conditions. This makes it especially important to recognise the signs of a parasitic infection early on.
Common symptoms of parasites
Constipation or diarrhoea
Unexplained digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, or excessive gas can be signs of a parasitic infection. Because these symptoms are often mistaken for other gastrointestinal conditions, many healthcare professionals overlook parasites as a potential cause.
Skin problems
If you're dealing with rashes, hives, or skin irritation that won't resolve even after using prescribed treatments, a parasitic infection could be to blame. Parasites can trigger immune reactions, causing your skin to break out as your body tries to defend itself.
Extreme fatigue
Parasites are notorious for draining the body's resources. By depriving you of nutrients, they can leave you feeling utterly exhausted, leading to headaches, memory problems, depression, and mood swings. Oddly enough, despite feeling fatigued, you may have difficulty sleeping, as many parasites become more active at night.
Some parasites feed on red blood cells, which can result in iron deficiency and, ultimately, anaemia. This further contributes to feelings of weakness and fatigue.
Certain parasites burrow under the skin to lay eggs, causing intense itching. A particularly common symptom of parasitic infection is anal itching, especially at night when worms migrate to the anal area to lay their eggs.

Can you treat parasites?
In most cases you can confirm the presence of parasites typically through a stool test. Alongside conventional and herbal treatments, exploring alternative therapies such as coffee enemas can be highly beneficial, especially if you are doing any type of parasite cleanse or detox.
This method not only aids in eliminating parasites but also assist in detoxifying your body by flushing out harmful bacteria, toxins, heavy metals etc. It is equally important to focus on opening your body’s detoxification pathways. If these pathways are not functioning at their best, the toxins released from the dying parasites can reabsorb into your system, potentially causing additional health problems.
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth (Gut Scrub) can aid in parasite elimination and minimising detox symptoms. Acting as a natural 'scrub,' its particles help to break up and dehydrate worms and parasites in the gut, while attracting and absorbing bacteria, fungi, viruses, and more. Its cylindrical structure traps pathogenic bacteria, facilitating their expulsion from the body.
More people suffer from parasite infection than we realise. While practicing good hygiene and avoiding undercooked food can reduce the risk, there are situations where exposure may be unavoidable. If you’re experiencing any of the common symptoms discussed, it could be worthwhile to get tested for parasites, as early detection is key to preventing more serious health issues.