It’s time to hack your way to health through BioStacking!
So what is it?
Before we talk about BioStacking, we first need to discuss biohacking, which you have most likely already heard of 😉.
What is Biohacking?
Biohacking is all about hacking your own biology.
It refers to the small changes a person makes to their body or lifestyle to enhance their overall health and wellbeing.
Most people are doing it on a small scale without realising it, while others are actively trying to find ways to change their biome to improve their health or performance.
Are you taking a supplement to help boost your memory? You’re biohacking.
Are you intermittent fasting to speed up your metabolism? You’re biohacking.
Are you using a sleep app to track your sleeping patterns to help you get better sleep? You’re biohacking!
These days, it’s hard not to include some form of biohacking in your life.
So what is BioStacking?
BioStacking is taking things one step further by stacking biohacks to save time and to increase results.
With so much to do in a day, BioStacking gives you the opportunity to do more with your time. Even Gary Brecka, Human Biologist and Co-Founder of 10X Health Systems, is a fan of it.
In an Instagram video of him breathing on the beach, he says: “I call this BioStacking. Stacking different biohacking techniques together for maximum benefit. Exposing your skin to sunlight and doing three rounds of 30 deep breaths. Out-of-pocket cost - $0. Benefits are priceless.”
BioStacking examples
Do a mindful coffee enema. Next time you’re doing a coffee enema, consider stacking this with meditation. This is especially great for people who struggle to find time to meditate. Are you already sitting or laying for 12-15 minutes? As you do your enema, focus on different parts of your body and your breath and be aware of every sensation. You could even go one further and include a red-light face mask! We are seeing a lot of our Happy Bum customers practicing this biostack!
Walk and learn. Listen to informative podcasts or audiobooks to squeeze in some learning time while you’re out getting some exercise and fresh air.
Switch up your exercise. Combining different exercises can give you a better all-round fitness experience. For example, while you’re walking, maybe carry some weights. Or take breaks in your strength training to do some yoga.
Get a standing desk. We all know that sitting too long can cause a host of problems for the body. But we must work, right? And working is good for us. It keeps our brains active. So, while you’re keeping your brain active, you might as well keep your body active, too. A standing desk gives you the chance to alternate between sitting and standing so that your body isn’t stuck in one position all day.
Hack your sleep. There are so many things you can do to find better sleep, whether it’s a warm bath, using blackout blinds, or having a strict no-screen rule two hours before bed.
It's all in the stacking. Imagine a pile of rocks, one on top of another.
Too many and they’ll all topple down.
To get the most out of BioStacking, don’t do too many things at once.
The aim is to get the most out of biohacking in a shorter period. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself.
So today, as you go about your day, look at your routines. What are finding time for and what do you want to find time for? BioStacking might be exactly what you need to make it happen.
Happy healing xx