When you are suffering from constipation and you go to the doctor, it's common to be told to just “eat more fibre!”
But for many people living with chronic or recurring constipation and gut issues, they have already tried this, with no luck.
In fact 1 million people search ‘constipation’ on Google every single month, so if you do suffer, you are not alone. Constipation is a multi-faced health issue that millions of people all over the world are suffering with everyday.
It can be physically painful, impact your mood, energy levels, weight, self confidence, sex drive, and eventually much deeper issues.
Constipation is a condition where your bowels are not eliminating stool effectively and this becomes hard to pass and even painful. When they sit for too long in the large intestine (colon) the stool gets more and more dehydrated.
Although this can be caused from a lack of fibre, it is usually a combination of other root causes:
- Lack of hydration
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Food intolerances
- Medication and painkillers
- Intestinal parasites
- Emotional stress
- Traumatic events

According to Chinese medicine, the colon is in the base chakra of "safety and security".
As the rate of stress and anxiety floods our society today, it is no wonder IBS and constipation issues are also on the rise.
For many, the problem actually begins in school. When bathroom times are restricted, and children are told they cannot leave the classroom.
Group bathroom settings can also be embarrassing and anxiety inducing, many children again hold their stool and end up suffering from extreme constipation and overflow after not releasing their bowels on a regular basis.
Then we move onto the issue of our sedentary lifestyles where the common school setting and 9 to 5 work environment sees people sitting for upwards of 6 to 8 hours a day.
Processed foods or man made foods (non-whole foods) do not provide the bulk of fibre to create healthy stools. Instead they can cause mucus and acidity in the body leading to further inflammation, gut discomfort, and even tears in the intestinal lining (commonly referred to as leaky gut).
Parasites are another common yet under-diagnosed and treated part of the constipation puzzle with over 80% of adults carrying unwanted visitors.
Parasites are not just found overseas in third world countries but in our very own water, lakes, ponds, meat, fish, vegetables, public areas, pets, animals, and soil that we make contact with every single day!
Parasites can create a myriad of issues in the gut, including constipation, IBS and extreme bloating. They can also change our dietary cravings, including increased sugar, which can worsen the microbiome and increase imbalances in yeast, candida, unfriendly bacteria and even our immune system.
Why isn't fibre always the answer?
Getting enough fibre is important! We've even created our own Happy Bum Fibre blend to support a healthy gut, however when it comes to constipation and IBS fibre is usually not the first step, here's why:
Unfortunately, for an already slow moving bowel, adding further fibre like a psyllium husk (main ingredient in metamucil and many other common fibre blends) is like adding concrete to your diet.
Fibre needs water to move and swell, but a slow moving bowel is already quite dehydrated and the bulky fibre can then end up solidifying, creating further bloating, compaction, and discomfort.
The other reason fibre doesn't work is because it doesn't address any of the other factors that may be causing constipation - many of them emotional.
So, what do you do if fibre doesn't work for you and you are suffering with constipation, bloating, or IBS?
There is a simple and effective solution you could try, in fact it's one of the oldest in the book.
You may have heard of enemas from your grandparents. They were once given before childbirth or even surgery back in the 40's, 50's and 60's prior to the introduction of pharmaceutical laxatives.
Even further back, many ancient cultures have records reporting the use of enemas to help cleanse and purify the body, and they are still used today!
An enema is basically a way to physically remove the stool sitting in the lower colon by gently introducing warm water or coffee into the colon via the rectum.
The water or other therapeutic solution softens the waste matter (which is usually dehydrated and hard otherwise) and stimulates peristalsis, or movement of the colon muscles.
This produces an immediate bowel movement which if you are suffering from constipation can be a much needed relief.
“I have had IBS constipation issues most of my life and thought they were normal as my mother was the same. Started healing my gut and working towards natural solutions outside of laxatives (which probably destroyed my gut) I started using the enema kit 2-3 times a week with coffee once a week and now I do both everyday. Literally a lifesaver, if I wake up and don’t feel great I use it and I’m a new person, usually I use it every evening and mornings for off days. Still have a long way to go but wouldn’t be anywhere without Happy Bum Co recommended by my colon therapist.” - Tiarni
What else can you try?
Another option for chronic constipation relief is magnesium oxide. Magnesium oxide works by drawing water into the bowel and hydrating and softening the stool for easy release.
Magnesium oxide can help to liquify and soften old compacted waste matter in the colon and allow for a deeper colon cleanse.
Anyone with chronic constipation or extreme compaction may also find relief with colonic irrigation in which a machine that gently fills the colon with water and also aids the release of stool through the tube. In this setting you do not need to use the toilet as the stool is contained in a tube (closed system colon hydrotherapy) and goes straight out via the plumbing.
Constipation is a much more complex issue than most give it credit. It can have a variety of impacting factors and the bottom line is that fibre alone is not always the answer.
As always please seek your own health advice before trying anything.
Why Happy Bum Co?
Our mission at Happy Bum Co is to shine a light on the taboo topics of gut health and remove the fear and stigma that commonly surrounds using enemas. Our multi-award winning brand has revolutionized the way people detox with tools to regain their health in the comfort of their own home at a time that is convenient for them.
We want to raise awareness about the benefits of enemas so people who are suffering can get the relief they need.
To the people out there who are living in constant pain - we feel you and we can help.
Happy detoxing!