
5 Reasons Why You’re Struggling To Hold Your Coffee Enema

Sep 12, 2023Kyah Seary

One of the most common questions we hear is about the difficulty of holding a coffee enema for the recommended 12 to 15 minutes.

If you’re struggling with this, you’re not alone!

Remember, practice makes perfect. Be patient with yourself, you’re still reaping the benefits even if you can’t hold it for the full duration. It’s completely normal for beginners to have trouble holding it for long.

If you’ve tried multiple times and are still having difficulty, there may be underlying factors at play. Internal or external influences can sometimes affect how your body responds, so it’s worth considering other potential causes.

Five reasons why you might be struggling to hold your enema:

  1. You’re feeling stressed or rushed. Even if you manage to hold your enema for the full 15 minutes, it’s still a brief part of your day. However, many people rush through the experience rather than embracing it, which can put the body into a stressed state. Try reframing it as valuable “me time” (something we all need). Consider playing calming music, meditating, listening to a podcast, or reading a book. Creating a comfortable, peaceful space and finding a time when you won’t be interrupted can make a huge difference. Outside of enema time, look for ways to reduce your overall stress levels, too.

  2. Your body is inflamed, or you have high toxicity. We’re exposed to daily toxins, many of which are beyond our control. We can, however, control what we put into our bodies by focusing on eating clean, reducing processed foods, and limiting alcohol intake. Supporting your body with these choices and going through a detox can greatly improve your enema experience and its benefits.

  3. Your colon might be compacted. If you’ve been constipated for a while, you may be a bit backed up, and this is completely normal! It can take time to clear out your system. Consider doing a water enema before your coffee enema to help soften and loosen stools in the colon for better results.

  4. Your coffee is too hot or cold. The coffee solution should be at body temperature to make it easy to hold for 12-15 minutes. Anything too hot or cold make this very difficult. To cool the mixture quickly, add room temperature or cool filtered water. Just make sure the coffee is brewed with hot water first for proper extraction.

  5. The flow is too fast. The higher you place your kit, the faster the solution will flow into your colon. To slow down the flow, simply lower the bag. You can also control the flow with your clamp which can be helpful to ease the coffee in.

Be kind to yourself. Detoxing is a journey, not a quick fix. You’re working to address years of toxic buildup, and that process doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience, consistency, and care. Every small step you take is progress, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment. Stay as relaxed as possible, give yourself some grace, and try again. Over time, your dedication will pay off.

Still have questions? Or feel bloated after a coffee enema? Let's talk about bloating during enemas.


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