Tell us about your SIBO healing journey
In 2018, I was diagnosed with Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and fatty liver, and had a lot of issues with my gut health. I had visible fat spots on my liver and I was also insulin resistant. I started seeing a naturopath who provided some guidance, but I felt there was a lot missing from their advice. I began researching different probiotics and ways to help my gut and that's when I came across colonics and coffee enemas.
I started using these methods which helped me heal from chronic constipation, which is a common symptom of SIBO, however, colonics didn't seem to open up my liver the way I needed. When I began using coffee enemas consistently, I noticed significant changes in my liver, motility, and hormones. After about six months of doing coffee enemas, I began to see a real difference.
I started going to the bathroom regularly, my skin cleared up, and I had more energy. My cravings reduced, and I started clearing out candida. When I emptied from an enema, I could see the candida, this confirmed it was clearing out my gut issues and helping my liver heal, which improved my hormone balance.
I am now a functional hormone specialist with extensive training and I understand how crucial coffee enemas are in healing your liver and SIBO. I've continued using them ever since, and I believe their importance is often overlooked.
I live in Montana, USA, and work with people worldwide. My SIBO journey inspired me to address the gaps I felt were missing in naturopathic treatment. I aim to help others heal from hormonal imbalance, fatty liver and SIBO and show them that there is hope. Since my diagnosis and my journey with coffee enemas, my condition has improved dramatically. I can enjoy foods I couldn't before, and my thyroid function has improved due to a healthier liver.
I share this experience with my clients because coffee enemas have transformed my life. Apart from changing my diet, coffee enemas were the main factor in my healing journey.
About three years ago, I lost my dad to cancer, and that experience prompted me to learn more about the liver and healing from chronic inflammation. My dad had liver cancer, so I started to understand more and more the importance of opening up the bile ducts, cleaning the liver, and addressing parasites in the gut. Now, I recommend this practice to everyone I talk to. I find that many people are resistant until they try them, and once they do, they start to see the benefits.
I believe coffee enemas were a major key in my healing. There was a period when I stopped doing them while taking care of my dad, and during that time, I noticed some symptoms returning, such as bloating and issues with digestion and motility. Once I resumed coffee enemas, those symptoms began to clear up, and I felt much better.
Did you do any tests to validate how you were feeling?
My ALT and AST markers on blood tests, which show liver inflammation, were elevated when I was diagnosed and after doing the coffee enemas, these markers returned to normal. I also had a breath test for SIBO, and an ultrasound for fatty liver spots, and when I got retested, both issues were resolved.
The liver is your main organ for detoxification and glutathione production. I believe that natural glutathione production in the liver, which coffee enemas support, is more effective than taking it as a supplement. Coffee enemas help detoxify many things and have made a significant difference for me.
How often do you do coffee enemas?
In the first week I did them pretty consistently, after that, I went every other day for six months. Now, I do them probably about three times a week.
What other advice do you offer to your clients when you recommend coffee enemas?
Usually, I advise people to follow a coffee enema with a water enema. This is because the water can help the body move through any remaining urge. If someone still feels the need to go but nothing is clearing out, I recommend they do a water enema afterward.
In addition to this, I suggest mineral balancing protocols. Typically, I'll recommend drinking freshly juiced celery after a coffee enema to replenish electrolytes.
Have you or your clients experienced parasites?
I've seen parasites myself after a coffee enema but I rarely hear from my clients, perhaps because people don't usually look for them. However, I've definitely had people mention experiencing fewer parasite symptoms, such as cravings, night terrors and teeth grinding. In fact, one of my clients resolved their teeth grinding after doing coffee enemas, which I believe is definitely related to parasites.
What tests do you recommend your clients do?
I use the Dutch test, which I am certified for, which is a hormone test that measures metabolites from the kidneys, to determine how your body processes hormones. This allows me to identify if someone has estrogen dominance.
The test shows how your body processes hormones from the adrenal glands or liver and provides insights into liver detoxification. If I observe high estrogen levels compared to progesterone, it indicates estrogen dominance due to recirculating detoxification, meaning the body isn't detoxifying estrogen effectively through its metabolites. In such cases, I usually identify it as a liver issue.
Many of my clients have done coffee enemas without following other protocols because I often tell them that coffee enemas provide the most ‘bang-for-buck’ compared to supplements. I've seen people balance estrogen dominance solely through coffee enemas.
What do you say to people who think they may have a hormonal imbalance?
Many of the people I work with have gut issues. I believe that hormones are often treated as the root cause, but they are actually a symptom of systemic inflammation, which frequently stems from gut imbalances. This was the case with my SIBO. I constantly had yeast infections and couldn't figure out why. Once I healed my gut, my symptoms went away.
Why do you recommend Happy Bum Co?
I was so excited when I found Happy Bum Co and I now recommend them to all of my clients who are ready to try coffee enemas. They’ve got such a great community and like me, they are on a mission to spread the word about coffee enemas and gut health.
Thank you for sharing my story and you can connect with me on Instagram
P.S ~ want to learn more about coffee enemas? Download out FREE guide here.