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Rheumatoid Arthritis, Colitis & Psoriasis - Amanda, 55

"After my first enema I awoke with no morning stiffness which had been my norm with rheumatoid arthritis." - Amanda, 55. What are or were you suffering from? I have...

"After my first enema I awoke with no morning stiffness which had been my norm with rheumatoid arthritis." - Amanda, 55.

What are or were you suffering from?

I have been living with 3 autoimmune diseases for last 10 years, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis and psoriasis. Medication is not the answer for me and I have tried all types of alternative health treatments to help my autoimmune disease but this has been a gamechanger. Stiffness, joint pain, bloating, gut issues and skin issues are the main things I was suffering from.

Which Happy Bum Co's products have you used?

Happy Bum Soothe blend, Coffee Beans, Happy Bum Bag, Happy Bum Biotic & Bulb

What is your Enema routine?

I have been doing intermittent coffee for about 4 years but now Soothing Turmeric enemas at least 2 or 3 times a week. Anytime I feel my gut is not right or I am having any symptoms form the auto immune.

To do my enemas I boil the kettle and then pour into either french press for coffee or jug for soothing turmeric and add coffee/blend. Leave til cool. In the meantime i lay my yoga mat on my ensuite floor with fluffy floor mat plus towel and my pillow. I used to put a relaxing essential oil blend on when I first started to help relax. Relaxing music goes on, a little coconut oil on tip, lie down and insert. Set timer and read. Often interrupted by cat who likes to sit on top of me which doesn't help when you're trying to retain! Legs up the wall and relax.

Coffee on Saturday, Soothing Turmeric on Sunday and then at least one more during the week depending on how I feel. Always around 2pm

Pre and Probiotic blend bulbs on Sunday night and at least 2x Turmeric bulb depending on how I'm feeling during the week. Inserted at bedtime while I read a chapter of my book before lights out!

What improvements and benefits have you experienced?

  • Less stiffness
  • Better bowel movements
  • Reduce stress

After my first enema I awoke with no morning stiffness which had been my norm with rheumatoid arthritis. My inflammation is way down and bowels are happier. Less bloated with a much softer belly (now to get rid of that muffin top!!)
Mood is overall much better and stress levels are down.

If you could give a piece of advice to a new Happy Bum enema kit user, what would it be?

RELAX. Takes a little practice, especially inserting but I can now be set up and inserting within 5 minutes. Make it about you. Close the bathroom door and "enjoy"

Anything else about your experience you would like to add?

Happy Bum has been a game changer


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