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Weaning off Anti-Depressants and Weight Loss using Enemas: Michelle, 33

What are or were you suffering from?Depression & anxiety, irregular bowel movements, irregular menstrual cycle, severe bloating and difficulty losing weight, congested skin. Which Happy Bum Co Products have you...

What are or were you suffering from?
Depression & anxiety, irregular bowel movements, irregular menstrual cycle, severe bloating and difficulty losing weight, congested skin.

Which Happy Bum Co Products have you used?
Bag, bulb, plunger, coffee, soothe, biotic, gut scrub, hormone, greens

How long have you been doing Enemas for?
Since 2022

What is your enema routine?
Monday morning I always start with a water enema to clear the way followed by a therapeutic enema and usually also a bulb. That’s my favourite. I heart-test which blends to use depending on how I’m feeling and where I am in my menstrual cycle. I like to do an enema five days a week minimum and do water enemas/bulbs as I feel like I need them.

What improvements and benefits have you experienced?
So many things!
• I’ve lost more than ten kilograms and counting!
• Currently transitioning off antidepressants.
• Mental clarity and peacefulness.
• Lighter feeling and more regular digestion.
• More regular menstrual cycle.
• Significantly less bloating.
• Less fluid retention.
• Improved immune function (I get sick less and if I do, severity is also less).
• Improved libido.

What types of enemas have you been doing?
I use all the blends! I haven’t tried calm yet but I’ve got it ordered :-)
I also do water and sometimes apple cider vinegar or green tea

If you could give one piece of advice to new Happy Bum enema users, what would it be?
To make it more comfortable, make sure there’s no air in the hose when you let it flow. Also, try different positions to help with cramping (clench your cheeks and practice deep belly breaths!)

Anything else about your experience that you would like to add?
I legitimately cannot imagine not using these products now, they’re truly a part of my routine and a cherished ritual each day.

Also, the team are incredible! I’ve asked so many weird and wonderful questions on Instagram and always get caring thoughtful response back with heaps of helpful information! I love being able to take proactive control of my health.


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