What are or were you suffering from?
Chronic constipation and pain
Which Happy Bum Co Products have you used?
Happy Bum Beans, Calm, Hormone, Soothing Turmeric, Probiotic.
How long have you been doing Enemas for?
3 months
What is your enema routine?
I use daily coffee enemas. Sometimes twice daily. I bulb most days of the week
What improvements and benefits have you experienced?
Constipation relief and abdominal bloating relieved. I suffer endometriosis so still have symptoms but I use them to relieve the pain. They are my go to when I’m uncomfortable. I used to not like going out cause I’d be bloated at the end of the day but now I know I can enema before I go out and enjoy myself.
What types of enemas have you been doing?
Coffee daily. Occasionally a green (that clears you out. And hard to hold) that’s the same with soothing turmeric
If you could give one piece of advice to new Happy Bum enema users, what would it be?
Just give it a go. It’s no where near as scary as you think. It’s actually super relaxing. I have trouble sitting still and this makes me just be. It’s like meditating
Anything else about your experience that you would like to add?
I’m a nurse and this is so much better for you than filling yourself with laxatives. It’s good for the mind. Good for bowel tone.