If you are suffering from...

Anxiety & Depression

Find the Right Products To Support Your Mental Health

Testimonial - Kat's Story

Using Happy Bum Co products to help her anxiety and depression. Kat shares her real and raw story.

Key Benefits

Learn How this Bundle Supports Your Mental Health.

Help Reduce feelings of anxiety

When you do a coffee enema, your body can switch to your parasympathetic nervous system which supports you to come out of "fight or flight" mode.

This may reduce feelings of anxiety, plus the boost in antioxidants may increase your immune system and energy levels.

Supports Healthy Serotonin Production

95% of your Seratonin, which is your happy hormone is produced in your colon. When the colon is toxic and overloaded, this can compromise seratonin and leave us feeling more depressed and less happy.

The gut and the brain speak directly to one another via the vagus nerve.

Natural stress relief

Enemas physcially allow us to let it all go. Releasing from the bowels may have a lightening effect on the brain and mental state. Calm blend is specifically designed to help relieve feelings of stress, calm the nervous system and promote emotional wellbeing.

Increased Energy Levels

Coffee enemas and liver detoxification may help to unburden the organs and help boost energy levels. When the body is not fighting off so much inflammation and toxicity, you should have more energy!

promotes regular bowel movements and less bloating

Enemas can instantly relieve constipation and bloating. When the body is stressed, anxious or overwhelmed it is common for the digestive system to shut down and the bowel movements to stop or become loose.

Coffee enemas and calm bulbs may help to relieve this stress and reduce feelings of anxiety anxiety but also move the bowels manually providing relief and a toxic release.

The right gut bacteria for good moods

Your moods and mental state are directly related to the state of your gut bacteria. Coffee enemas may help remove old stool, toxicity and bad bacteria that can be causing imbalances, and Happy Bum Biotic bulbs can promote healthy bacteria in the gut and aid in healthier moods.

improves mental clarity

After a coffee nema it is common to feel more clear in the mind as the toxins from your liver and bowel have been removed. This can promote a sense of peace and focus, as well as mental clarity.

Supports Healthy Deep Sleep

Coffee enemas may help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and calm bulbs help promote relaxation and stress relief. These can both be beneficial to allow the body to come down into a resting state. Deep sleep is important for mental and hormone regulation.

Help Support liver function on medication

Medication is a liver loader and can have many implications long term on your health. Coffee enemas may help to boost your liver enzymes and keep your liver healthier while you take medication.

Measuring your liver enzyme levels through blood results with your doctor can help show you the impact they are having on your liver health.

Reduce Feelings of Anxiety
Supports Seratonin Production
Relieve Bloating & Constipation
Increase Energy Levels

How To Use Your Bundle

A general guide for best results.

Gut Greens

Take 1 Tablespoon everyday orally or in your bag/bulb to nourish your body, alkalise, improve digestive function, remove heavy metals and feed your gut! To improve your mental health, you need nutrients!

More on Gut Scrub
Coffee Enema

For maximum benefits, Get flowing with your coffee enemas at least 2-3x a week! Hold for 12-15 minutes. Release on Toilet.

Learn How
Calm Bulb + Tea

Bulb post enema and drink on the other days as a tea! Use your Calm Blend to support a healthy nervous system and stress response.

More About Calm Blend
Biotic Bulb

Bulb post Enema to replenish good bacteria in the gut, build a healthy gut microbiome which is linked to strong mental health!

More About Biotic Blend
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Improve Your Mental Health

On the Blog

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I was suffering from toxic overload until I started coffee enemas - Kate, 26

"My doctor recommended coffee enemas to help reduce my toxic load and it’s been a game changer!" - Kate, 26.

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