Educational Blogs

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How Do You Feel After a Coffee Enema?

While it may sound unusual at first, coffee enemas have been used for centuries to detoxify the body and improve overall health. In this article, we will explore how you...

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How Coffee Enemas Can Help Lower Anxiety and Promote Overall Mental Wellbeing

The Power of Coffee Enemas for Mental Wellbeing Many people turn to alternative therapies and practices to improve their mental health and overall wellbeing. One such practice gaining attention is...

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Can I use my Happy Bum Bag if I have Gastro?

As Gastro starts to make its way through workplaces, schools and the rest of the population, it’s essential to have the right tools to fight back and to understand what...

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Got Lyme Disease? 4 Ways Coffee Enemas May Help.

Living with Lyme Disease? This can be a formidable challenge, with symptoms ranging from fatigue to joint pain and brain fog. Alongside conventional treatments, some lyme patients have sought the relief of coffee...

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Struggling to hold your Enema? 5 Reasons Why.

When doing an Enema it is recommended to retain the solution for 10-15 minutes. Some days this might be a walk in the park, other days you might find yourself...

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How to Clean your Happy Bum Bag

Cleaning your enema kit and bulb is easy!   This is the most common question we receive at Happy Bum HQ. I know it seems very difficult considering all of...

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Get Rid of These 10 Common Health Conditions by only using your Enema Bag!

What if there was one way you could help relieve all of your everyday health conditions? The wise philosopher Hippocrates said, "All disease begins in the gut" and he was...

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Beginners Guide for Using Enemas

It is so great to see the popularity and awareness around enemas growing so rapidly since we started our company 5 years ago, but we still get a lot of...

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Can Enemas Help with Hangovers?

Here at Happy Bum HQ we are often asked questions debunking certain myths. One of our favourite questions is "Help! I have the worst hangover, will doing a Coffee Enema...

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The Toxic Truth about Traditional Toilet Paper

Are you quickly grabbing the first Toilet Paper rolls you see on the shelves at Woolworths? Do you ever turn around the packaging and read what is actually in your...

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How to MASTER your Enemas! Top Tips from the Pro's

Happy Bum's - it's so important that you get the most out of your detoxification journey. We thought we would put together a blog on all of our top tips,...

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Your Guide to Balancing Hormones Naturally

Each week we are contacted by various women who wish to balance and regulate their hormones naturally, but don't know where to start. The world of hormones can be quite...

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Is Your Liver Struggling? 10 Signs To Look Out For

In todays’ society, the rate of liver issues are sky rocketing. In 2022, it is estimated that a person has a 1 in 103 (or 0.97%) risk of being diagnosed with...

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Hormonal Imbalances? Why Coffee Enemas Help.

Did you know that studies show 80% of women experience hormonal imbalances? Most of which without even realizing? Symptoms such as heavy periods, irregular cycles, PMS symptoms, painful periods, bloating, decreased...

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Whats the Difference? Bag vs. Bulb

Have you been wondering what the difference is between the Happy Bum Bag and Happy Bum Bulb? We're so glad you asked! They work very differently and provide the tools...

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